June 17 2024

FY25 Budget vote by Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners is scheduled to vote on the proposed FY25 Budget on June 17, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Cabarrus County Government Center (65 Church Street S, Concord), Commissioners Chamber.

June 03 2024

Recommended FY25 Budget Public Hearing and Work Session

Commissioners will hold a public hearing to take comments on the Recommended FY25 Cabarrus County Budget. The hearing is on Monday June 3, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at the  Government Center (65 Church Street S, Concord), 2nd Floor Multipurpose Room.

Commissioners will hold their June Work Session following the Public Hearing.

May 20 → June 17 2024

Recommended FY25 Budget Public Viewing Period

Review the County's Recommended FY25 Budget and submit comments to commissioners.

May 20 2024

Recommended FY25 Budget Presentation

County Manager Mike Downs presents the Recommended FY25 budget. 

March 01 → March 29 2024

Departmental budget conferences with County Management

Department leaders present County management with an update on departmental services, FY24 progress and data highlights, industry trends that may impact the FY25 budget, and their FY25 budgetary requests.

February 24 → February 25 2024

Board of Commissioners Annual Budget Retreat

January 24 → February 12 2024

Departments Submit FY25 Funding Requests

County departments review each line item of their budget annually. They must formally request continued and (if service delivery requires additional funds) expanded funding of County management. Management then prioritizes the requests and uses the information to develop a budget recommendation.